Get Course Credit for Your Work
Are continuing education credits available?
Yes! Optional semester credit hours of graduate-level continuing education credit are available through the Colorado School of Mines Teacher Enhancement Program.
How do the optional Colorado School of Mines (CSM) continuing education credits differ from traditional university or college credits?
The optional graduate-level semester relicensure credits offered for each course are applicable for recertification in Colorado and are generally accepted elsewhere. The credits are not applicable toward a degree at the CSM or elsewhere. Typically, continuing education credits are used by teachers for relicensing or recertification and not for application to a degree program or initial certification.
Requirements vary by state and district; therefore, you should check with your local administrators to determine if the graduate-level continuing education credits meet their requirements.
How do I apply for the optional continuing education credits?
You must submit your intent to take the course for credit at the beginning of class.
The CSM credit paperwork is course specific. You will receive directions for submitting CSM credit-related paperwork and payment during the first week of class.
How much do courses cost without the optional credits?
Each course has a registration fee that must be paid via credit card during registration. The registration fee is $70 for four-week courses and $60 for two-week courses. We highly recommend having your credit card information available when you begin the registration process.
Is there a cost for the graduate-level continuing education credits?
Yes, these optional credits require an additional fee of $95 for two credits (four-week courses) and $55 for one credit (two-week courses). This additional fee will be collected during the course.
Will I receive a course completion certificate?
Each participant who completes a course with a passing grade will be able to download a personalized course completion certificate. In addition to the participant's name, the certificate will indicate the name of the course completed and the date the certificate was awarded.
Please note that the certificates do not include the participant's final grade or the number of contact hours. If your school or district requires this information, you should consider the optional continuing education credits offered through the CSM and described above.
How do I obtain a copy of my transcript from the Colorado School of Mines?
If you applied for the optional continuing education credits available through the CSM during your course, you may request an official transcript online via their .
One month following completion of the course, you may send the Request for Transcript of Record Form (supplied during class) and payment directly to the CSM. The address is on the form. Please note that there is an additional fee for the transcript that must be sent directly to the CSM after the course is completed and grades have been assigned. Please do not send the transcript form to the Citizen Science Academy, Budburst, or the ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø.
The Online Course Experience
Are the courses online or in person?
All Citizen Science Academy courses are 100 percent online. They are led by an instructor who will guide your experience, facilitate asynchronous class discussions, provide comments and suggestions on completed work, and answer any questions.
Do I have to be online at specific times?
No. Each of the courses may be completed at your own pace. There are no specific class times, office hours, or video conferences.
I won't be available every day. May I still participate?
Yes! Our courses are designed to allow busy educators (are there any other types?) to participate as their schedule allows. The only deadline for each course is that all graded assignments must be turned in before the course ends. The specific time and date for each course (typically 11:55 p.m. Central Standard Time on the last day of class) will be announced on the first day of class.