Forsythia 'Northern Gold'

42.14712143, -87.78805542

42.14712906, -87.78805542

42.14713287, -87.78807068

42.14713287, -87.78804779

42.14720917, -87.78820038

42.14722443, -87.78819275

42.14723587, -87.78819275

42.14723969, -87.78822327

42.14725113, -87.78822327

42.14727402, -87.78823853

42.14727783, -87.78825378

42.14728165, -87.78821564

42.14730072, -87.78820801

42.14730835, -87.78821564

42.14731216, -87.78825378

42.14971542, -87.79516602

42.15028, -87.79553223

42.15031815, -87.79550171

Northern Gold Forsythia

We know spring has arrived in northern climes when we see the cheery yellow blooms of the ubiquitous forsythias in April. Named after William Forsyth, one of the founders of the Royal Horticultural Society in the 18th century, forsythias are medium to large shrubs that produce four- petaled clusters of bell-shaped flowers in the axils of the stiff, rough branches. These Asian shrubs are very adaptable to poor soils and varying moisture, but the flower buds may be tender on older cultivars. Pruning is best done immediately after flowering, giving new growth time to form flower buds. Never shear forsythias into green meatballs, as their natural shapes are graceful enough.

Forsythia Northern Gold is a modern hybrid selected for reliable bud hardiness to -30 degrees F. It has a rounded shape with a maximum height of about 8 feet. This Canadian cultivar is a hybrid of Forsythia x intermedia and Forsythia ovata.

Plant Shape:
Full Sun
Bloom Time:
March - April
Bloom Color:
Landscape Use:
Plant Type:
Hardiness Zone:
5 - 9