42.14564133, -87.78990173
42.14564514, -87.78990173
42.14612198, -87.78985596
42.14612961, -87.78987885
42.14613724, -87.78987885
42.14613724, -87.78987122
42.14614487, -87.78994751
42.14628983, -87.78739166
42.14631271, -87.78738403
42.1463356, -87.7873764
42.14635086, -87.78736877
42.14705658, -87.78884888
42.14712906, -87.78890991
42.14794159, -87.79281616
42.14796829, -87.7928009
42.14797974, -87.79281616
42.14798737, -87.79282379
42.14816284, -87.7900238
Giant Snowdrop
The giant snowdrop (Galanthus elwesii) is among the first of the very early spring-blooming plants in the Chicago region. As winter eases its grip, these diminutive porcelain-white jewels spring up in turf, flower beds, and deciduous woodlands. In sunlight, the three outer petals flare to reveal the inner fused petals with their intricate green colorations. Simultaneously, the flowers release a honey-sweet fragrance to attract pollinating insects. At maturation, the seeds are released from the ripened capsule with an attached elaiosome, a fleshy membrane filled with lipids and proteins that ants find irresistible. The ants haul seeds and membranes off to their underground homes, effectively spreading the species far from the mother plant and ensuring the seeds are snuggled down for the winter.
The giant snowdrop is native to the high mountain meadows of the Balkans and western Turkey, where the snows fall early and last late. To survive in this harsh environment, the plant springs into growth as soon as the snow starts to melt, earning the designation “snowmelt species.â€