42.14294815, -87.78515625
42.14749908, -87.78861237
42.15134048, -87.78968811
42.1514473, -87.78850555
42.15176773, -87.78890228
Hadspen Blue Hosta
Among the most blue of hosta cultivars, Hadspen Blue is medium sized with foliage of good substance that is slug resistant. Many consider it a classic hosta. It is one of the Tardiana group.
Hostas are shade tolerant, easy to grow, and long lived. Although they produce flowers held high above the foliage on long stalks called scapes, they are grown primarily for their foliage and neat habit. Hostas are actively hybridized for leaf color, size, shape, and texture; natural mutations or sports are also common, and new introductions abound. Hosta cultivars range in size from several inches to several feet; it may take 3 to 8 years for hostas to reach their full size. They all prefer moist, loamy soil enriched with organic matter. Some leaf damage by slugs is to be expected, and deer find hosta delicious.