Viburnum carlesii

42.13999557, -87.78527832

42.1400032, -87.78530121

42.14000702, -87.78529358

42.14002228, -87.78526306

42.14971542, -87.78839874

42.14989853, -87.78839874

42.14990997, -87.78842163

42.15172195, -87.7890625

42.15172958, -87.78905487

42.15172958, -87.78903961

42.15172958, -87.78901672

42.15174484, -87.78891754

Koreanspice viburnum

The highly frgrant white flowers of Koreanspice viburnum emerge from pink buds in early May and persist for up to two weeks. This dense, rounded 5' shrub is often planted near a path or door where its lingering fragrance can be appreciated. The wine red fall foliage can also be quite attractive.

Viburnums are a versatile genus of multi-stemmed shrubs that are well suited to the home landscape due to their range of sizes and cultural adaptability. Some viburnums are noted for their fragrant flowers; most bear small fruit that may add visual interest. Many viburnums have attractive fall color. There are over 100 different varieties of viburnum at the 窪蹋勛圖厙.

賱篚諡. 窵諈拖潺 4 鴗 賱 5 鴗 科渥 黕 . 4 諤賱 5 篧鴔 謔木 伉萼諝 渠, 諡賄渠 篣資 科潺庖 鮈 窶. 渠坐 貐諢 鴔 潺, 賄 穈 趣 潤.

Plant Shape:
Full Sun
Partial Shade
Bloom Time:
May - June
Bloom Color:
Landscape Use:
Bedding or Border
Specimen Plant
Wildlife Interest:
Attracts Birds
Attracts Butterflies
Plant Type:
Hardiness Zone:
4 - 8