Monthly Gardening Checklist


Garden To-Do List

Mulch garden beds

Feeding compost heap

Garden tools and supplies

Protect garden beds

Annual and Perennial 

Plant spring bulbs

Roses winter protection

Keep perennials standing

Indoor Plant Care

Houseplants tips


Tree and Shrub Care


Winter pest protection

Temperature protection

Road-salt spray protection

Install wind breaks

Anti-desiccant sprays

Lawn Care

Final fertilizing


Force spring bulbs indoors

house plant

November is a great month to tuck your lawn and garden to bed for the season. Nighttime temperatures are dipping below freezing, frosts are more frequent, and the yard may soon be covered under a blanket of snow. This month, take advantage of any seasonally warm days to complete maintenance and cleanup tasks. Houseplants will also need some extra TLC; winter can create challenging indoor conditions that you may need to address in the coming months. 

mulch-bedcompost pileGarden tools

Garden To-Do List

Mulch garden beds

After the ground has completely frozen, add 2 to 3 inches of shredded leaves, composted manure, and/or garden compost to perennial borders and garden beds.

Keep feeding the compost heap

Continue to feed the compost pile with grass clippings and dried plant material removed from garden beds. Avoid adding diseased plants to the pile. Turn the pile regularly to speed decomposition.

Tend to garden tools and supplies

With the outdoor growing season coming to an end this month, its a great time to inspect your tools and supplies, and protect them from the harsh winter weather.

  • Disconnect outdoor water sources before temperatures drop to below-freezing, and drain hoses before storing indoors. Keep in mind, however, that some trees and shrubs may require watering, so time this according to your yards needs.
  • Clean, sharpen, and oil tools.
  • Store all unused herbicides, pesticides, fertilizers, and chemicals in their original, labeled containers. If cardboard containers have become wet, consider disposing of the product. Avoid storing chemicals in unmarked plastic or glass containers because its too easy to forget what they are. Check expiration dates on products to be sure theyre still viable.
  • Clean ceramic, cement, and/or terra-cotta containers; store in a frost-free space. Soil from containers can be stored in a pile outside and combined with equal parts fresh mix for next years containers.
  • Potting soil from window boxes can be discarded or stored for later use, provided there are no signs of disease.

Protect garden beds from de-icing products

In the event of snowfall, avoid using salt-based de-icing products in or around garden areas. Shovel snow before it freezes on sidewalks and sprinkle sand on walkways close to plantings.


Annual and Perennial Care

Tree and Shrub Care

Bulbs planting

Keep planting spring bulbs if conditions allow

Continue to plant spring-flowering bulbs early this month if the soil hasnt completely frozen and weather conditions permit. Choose a sunny, well-drained area and plant your bulbs two to three times as deep as the height of the bulb.

  • If the soil is heavy clay, add compost, such as composted leaf mold.
  • Sprinkle a slow-release granular fertilizer formulated for bulbs into the top layer of soil above the planting hole. Water the area well.
  • After planting, add a layer of lightweight mulch to delay the soil from freezing early. This gives bulbs time to develop a strong root system.
  • If planting a large bed of bulbs, dig all the soil first, arrange the bulbs, and backfill with soil. 
  • If rodents, deer, or rabbits have been a problem in the past, consider planting varieties of the following pest-resistant bulbs: daffodils (Narcissus spp.), grape hyacinth (Muscari armeniacum), ornamental onion (Allium spp.), fritillaria  (Fritillaria spp.), and winter aconite (Eranthis hyemalis).

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Winter protection for roses

Protect roses, especially newly planted shrubs, late this month or after several days of temperatures consistently falling below 20 degrees Fahrenheit.

  • Mound 12 to 18 inches of compost at the base of roses. This mound will sink down over the winter.
  • Tall rose varieties may need slight pruning to reduce their size; however, pruning of most roses should be kept to a minimum because spring pruning will also be necessary.

More Tips

Keep perennials standing

If you can, dont cut down perennials until spring. In addition to providing winter interest to the landscape, this approach also supports many desirable overwintering insects, including native butterflies, moths, and bees. However, do cut down and discard any diseased plants, which should not be added to a compost pile.

Tree protection

Keep watering, if necessary

If conditions are dry, continue to water trees and shrubs, especially evergreens, until the ground has frozen completely.

Protect trees and shrubs from winter pests

If rabbits, rodents, or deer have been a problem in past winters, take precautions with valuable woody plants now.

  • To keep deer from rubbing antlers on tree trunks, install garden netting or snow fencing around vulnerable trees. Physical barriers can be more effective than repellents.
  • Protect tree trunks from gnawing rabbits by setting up hardware cloth at least 2 feet tacked into the soil, 3 inches away from the trunk.

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Protect vulnerable trees from temperature swings

Extreme temperature fluctuations in winter may inflict frost cracks or sun-scald injury on newly planted softwood trees, such as conifers. Consider wrapping vulnerable tree trunks with protective wrap and remove the wrap in spring.

Protect plants from road-salt spray

If necessary, construct burlap screening supported by wooden stakes to protect evergreens in the path of salt spray.

Install wind breaks

Bitter northwest winds can be harmful to some woody plants. If necessary, construct burlap windbreaks at least 12 inches from any newly planted, sensitive shrubs to help buffer the winds damaging effects.

Avoid using anti-desiccant sprays

Some gardeners have used anti-desiccant sprays to protect certain plants from the drying effects of winter winds. However, research indicates that the waxy coating these products create can interfere with normal transpiration in the plants foliage; these sprays are not recommended for routine use on broadleaf evergreens, such as azalea and rhododendron (Rhododendron spp.), boxwood (Buxus spp.), and holly (Ilex spp.). Also, consider transplanting plants that have exhibited winter burn to a more suitable location in the spring, ideally one that offers better protection from strong winter sun and wind.

Indoor Plant Care

Lawn Care

Indoor plant

Winter tips for houseplants

Winters often-cloudy days, combined with drier conditions indoors, can be challenging for houseplants. Most houseplants appreciate a 10- to 15-degree difference in day and night temperature. Monitor plants for early signs of problems.

  • Sun-loving houseplants might suffer during a cloudy winter season. If possible, consider using supplemental artificial lights.
  • Avoid overwatering. Many species of houseplants require less-frequent watering in the winter than during their active growing season.
  • When indoor heat is turned on, natural humidity disappears. Some houseplants require more humidity indoors and may benefit from occasional misting with a hand sprayer or a warm shower. Humidifiers and pebble trays can also help raise humidity.
  • Cut back on fertilizer in general, but continue to fertilize orchids with very dilute orchid fertilizer until they set flower buds.

Keep tabs on transplants

Plants brought indoors in the fall may exhibit temporary transplant shock in their new environment due to changes in light and temperature. It is common for houseplants to lose most, if not all, of their leaves when theyre brought inside.


Fertilize for the final time this year

After the lawn is cut for the final time this year, apply a winterizing fertilizer with a slow-release organic product that is high in nitrogen. Chicago-area soils are naturally high in potassium and phosphorus, and most lawns dont require more. This nitrogen application will help lawns green up faster in early spring.

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November is a great month to

force spring bulbs indoors

With the outdoor growing season now just a fond memory, forcing bulbs indoors can deliver beauty, fragrance (hyacinths, were talking to you), as well as seasonal cheer. Daffodils (Narcissus spp.), hyacinths (Hyacinthus spp.), dwarf iris (Iris pumila), and tulips (Tulipa spp.) are great candidates. Its a great way to use any extra bulbs from fall planting, and take advantage of late-season bulb sales at garden centers. Mostly, though, its a wonderful way to brighten the coming winter weeks. 

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