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The Plant Evaluation Program received the Award for Program Excellence from the American Public Garden Association in 2008. Education B.S., Horticulture, 1981, University of Wisconsin-Madison. Professional Employment January 2022 present. Gaylord & Dorothy Donnelly Director, Ornamental Plant Research, ϳԹ. Provides leadership for the development, implementation, promotion, and administration of Ornamental Plant Research (OPR) programs, which include plant breeding, plant evaluation, and plant introduction (Chicagoland Grows Plant Introduction Program). Oversees financial planning and budget for the OPR programs. June 2000 January 2022. Plant Evaluation Manager, ϳԹ, Glencoe, Illinois. Provides leadership for the development, implementation, promotion, and administration of the Plant Evaluation Program, in addition to all ongoing tasks outlined as Coordinator (below). Oversees financial planning and budget control for the program and participate in developing grant proposals. Develops cooperative projects with other departments within the Garden and with off-site research institutions, plant nurseries, and horticultural programs. Responsible for the evaluation of approximately 1,200 taxa of perennials, shrubs, vines, and small trees, including two green roof gardens of 16,000 square feet opened in 2009. Teaches a certificate course on Herbaceous Perennials for the School of the Botanic Garden every other year. Lectures widely on perennials, vines, and the plant evaluation program. Publishes results of trials in Plant Evaluation Notes as well as in horticultural industry journals and popular gardening magazines. March 1988 June 2000. Coordinator, Plant Evaluation, ϳԹ, Glencoe, Illinois. Instrumental in developing the Plant Evaluation Program including the current evaluation scheme for data collection. Originator and primary author of Plant Evaluation Notes, a periodic publication to report the results of the trials. Developed cooperative projects with other evaluation programs at the government and private level, including the USDA, plant societies, nurseries, and universities. Participated in the Gardens plant exploration trips to South Korea and Siberia. Responsible for all curatorial duties including accessioning, labeling, mapping, taxonomic verification, and photographic documentation of the plant evaluation collection. Taught numerous courses for the School of the Botanic Garden and lectured widely. December 1985 March 1988. Plant Evaluator, ϳԹ, Glencoe, Illinois. Assisted with the evaluation of plants, and the development of cooperative projects with other botanical institutions and plant societies. Taught classes at the Garden and promoted the program through lectures and tours. December 1984 December 1985. Curatorial Assistant, The Holden Arboretum, Kirtland, Ohio. Responsible for the curatorial duties related to five plant collections, including maples, specimen trees, shrubs, nut-bearing trees, and minor fruits. Duties included inventory, evaluation, taxonomic verification, mapping, maintenance, and writing an annual report. Synergistic Activities Principle evaluator of test plants for the Chicagoland Grows plant introduction program, including all perennials from the ϳԹs breeding program, trees and shrubs from The Morton Arboretum, and other plants in the program. President-elect of the Perennial Plant Association Board of Directors. Member of the Perennial Plant Foundations Board of Trustees. Collaborator with plant introduction programs and plant breeders for the evaluation of new ornamental plants. Recommends and expedites the transfer to the permanent plant collections at CBG all the best performing plants from the evaluation program. Developed the data collection scheme for the plant evaluation program at ϳԹ. Instructor for the School of the ϳԹ. Recipient of the 2005 Academic Award for Teaching Excellence from the Perennial Plant Association. Participated in the development of the Gardens Invasive Species Policy. Evaluates all plant with unknown invasive and ornamental potential resulting from international plant exploration trips by the Garden. Member of the Gardens Plant Exploration Committee. Nonrefereed Publications 2023. High-ranking Reed Grasses. Fine Gardening, October, No. 213: 38-43. 2023. Get to Know Sweetshrubs. Fine Gardening, May/June, No. 211:38-43. 2022. Get to Know Bush Clovers. Fine Gardening, October, No. 207: 50-57. 2022. The Best Summer Alliums to Grow. Fine Gardening, July/August, No. 206: 20-26. 2022. Comparative Trials of Hydrangea paniculata Cultivars. Plant Evaluation Notes, Issue 47. Hawke, R. 2022. Exciting Wild Indigos, The American Gardener, March/April, Vol. 101, No. 2: 18-23. 2021. Little Bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium). The American Gardener, September/October, Vol. 100, No. 5: 58. 2021. Plant Trials: Perovskia spp. Nursery Management, October, pp. 25-28. 2021. Green roof vegetation management alters potential for water quality and temperature mitigation. Ecohydrology. 2021. Ninebark, A Durable Shrub for Everyone. Fine Gardening, December, No. 202: 42-51. 2021. Burnet: The best plant youre not growing. Fine Gardening, October, No. 201: 54-63. 2021. Digging Deeper into Stachys. Fine Gardening, April, No. 198: 64-71. 2020. An Evaluation Study of Russian Sage Cultivars (Perovskia spp.), Plant Evaluation Notes, Issue 46. 2020. A Comparative Evaluation of Ironweeds (Vernonia spp.), Plant Evaluation Notes, Issue 45. 2020. Garden Plant of the Day, Fine Gardening blog.  HYPERLINK "https://www.finegardening.com/article/aralia-sun-king-perennial-plant-of-the-year" https://www.finegardening.com/article/aralia-sun-king-perennial-plant-of-the-year 2020. Whats New with Coneflowers? Fine Gardening, August, No. 194: 42-53. 2020. 10 Perennial Standouts. Fine Gardening, April, No. 192: 56-63. 2019. An Evaluation Study of Tender Salvias (Salvia spp.), Plant Evaluation Notes, Issue 44. 2019. Terrific Tender Salvias. Fine Gardening, August, No. 188: 34-43. 2019. Bluestar: A native plant for the masses. Fine Gardening, June, No. 187: 46-53. 2019. Lavenders for the North. Nursery Management, February, 35(2): 19-22. 2019. Lady and Painted Ferns. Fine Gardening, April, No. 186: 56-65. 2018. An Evaluation Study of Hardy Ornamental Grasses, Plant Evaluation Notes, Issue 43. 2018. Get to know Molinia. Fine Gardening, December, No. 184: 30-37. 2018. Persicarias Deserve Your Love. Fine Gardening, September/October, No. 183: 36-43. 2018. Geum spp. Nursery Management, July, 34 (7): 38-41. 2018. Bold, shade-loving Rodgersias. Fine Gardening, January/February, No. 179: 34-39. 2017. Lavenders for Northern Gardens, Plant Evaluation Notes, Issue 42. 2017. Rodgersia. Nursery Management, November, 34(11): 6. 2017. Ironweed, the superhero of fall plants. Fine Gardening, October, No. 177: 38-45. 2017. Hibiscus. Fine Gardening, July/August, No. 176: 32-39. 2017. Why arent you growing more Baptisias? Fine Gardening, May/June, No. 175: 50-57. 2017. Rodgersias and Astilboides: A Comparative Trial Report. Perennial Plants, Winter, pp. 11-32. 2017. Geum spp: A Comparative Trial Report. Perennial Plants, Winter, pp. 44-62. 2017. A Comparative Evaluation Study of Geum spp., Plant Evaluation Notes, Issue 41. 2016. A Comparative Trial Report on Rodgersias and Astilboides, Plant Evaluation Notes, Issue 40. 2016. Coreopsis You Can Count On! Fine Gardening, September/October, No. 171: 44-51. 2016. The Best of the Best Hostas: Most Beautiful Blue Variety. Fine Gardening, September/October, No. 171: 31. 2016. Woodland Wonders. Nursery Management, May. 2016. Salvias That Wont Let You Down. Fine Gardening, May/June, No. 169: 36-43. 2015. A Comparative Study of Lady Ferns and Japanese Painted Ferns (Athyrium spp.), Plant Evaluation Notes, Issue 39. 2015. An Evaluation Study of Plants for Use on Green Roofs. Perennials Plants, Fall, pp. 29-62. 2015. Awesome Asters. Fine Gardening, September/October, No. 165: 30-37. 2015. Beyond the Basic Butterfly Bush. Fine Gardening, July/August, No. 164: 30-36. 2015. Up on the Roof, American Nurseryman, July, pp. 10-15. 2015. An Evaluation Study of Plants for Use on Green Roofs, Plant Evaluation Notes, Issue 38. 2015. Kick Off the Season With This Shady Star. Fine Gardening, March/April, No. 162: 50-55. 2014 A Comparative Study of Joe Pye Weeds (Eutrochium spp.) and Their Relatives. Perennial Plants, Summer, pp. 48-63. 2014. Garden Phlox That Dont Disappoint. Fine Gardening, July/August, No. 158: 28-35. 2014. Campanulas You Cant Live Without. Fine Gardening, May/June, No. 157: 30-37. 2014. A Comparative Study of Cultivated Asters. Perennials Plants, Winter, pp. 14-39. 2014. Shared Wisdom: 8 Perennial Picks from a Pro. Garden Gate, February, No. 115: 8-11 2014. A Comparative Study of Joe Pye Weeds (Eutrochium spp.) and Their Relatives, Plant Evaluation Notes, Issue 37. 2013. Fabulous Phlox. Greenhouse Management, November, 33(2):44-47. 2013. Battle of the grasses. Fine Gardening, November/December, No. 154: 48-55. 2013. A Study of Phlox paniculata Cultivars. Perennial Plants, Autumn, pp. 16-41. 2013. Catmint. Fine Gardening, August, No. 152: 56-62. 2013. Which Ligularia will make your shade shine? Fine Gardening, March/April, No. 150: 44-49. 2013. A Comparative Study of Cultivated Asters, Plant Evaluation Notes, Issue 36. 2012. Big Blooming Clematis, Fine Gardening, August, No. 146: 44-51. 2012. Geraniums, The best of the best, Fine Gardening, June, No. 145: 38-45. 2012. Phlox paniculata, Nursery Management, 28(1):67-69. 2012. If youre not growing Geums, youre missing out, Fine Gardening, April, No. 144: 46-51. 2011. A Comparative Study of Phlox paniculata Cultivars, Plant Evaluation Notes, Issue 35. 2011. Hydrangeas, Fine Gardening, September/October, No. 141: 32-37. 2011. Bugbanes for American Gardens, The American Gardener 90 (4):26-31. 2011. Meadow Rues, Fine Gardening, May/June, No. 139: 30-35. 2011. Tradescantia, Nursery Management, 27(2):66-71. 2010. A Comparative Study of Tradescantia Cultivars, Perennial Plants, Autumn, pp. 53-62. 2010. Veronica spp., Nursery Management, 26(11):50-54. 2010. A Comparative Study of Tradescantia Cultivars, Plant Evaluation Notes, Issue 34. 2010. Sizing up Stonecrops, The American Gardener 89(5):18-23. 2010. Stachys spp., NMPro, July, Vol. 26, No. 7, p.10. 2010. Comparative Studies of Veronica and Veronicastrum, Perennial Plants, Spring, pp. 6-22. 2010. American Beauties: Baptisias, The American Gardener 89(2):24-29. 2010. Comparative Studies of Veronica and Veronicastrum, Plant Evaluation Notes, Issue 33. 2009. A Comparative Study of Platycodon grandiflorus Cultivars, Perennial Plants, Fall, pp. 36-42. 2009. A Heavy-blooming Clematis, Fine Gardening, December, No. 130, p. 23 2009. Platycodon grandiflorus is a good companion to other summer-blooming perennials. NMPro, August, pp. 53-57. 2009. A Comparative Study of Platycodon grandiflorus Cultivars, Plant Evaluation Notes, No. 32. 2009. A Performance Appraisal of Hardy Bellflowers, Perennial Plants, Winter, pp. 11-23. 2008. A Performance Appraisal of Hardy Bellflowers, Plant Evaluation Notes, No. 31. 2008. Bold Rodgersias. Chicagoland Gardening, November/December, pp.12-13. 2008. Trial Rates Shasta Daisy Cultivars. NMPro, May 2008, pp. 34-38. 2008. 20 Great Plants Worth Knowing and Growing. Quarterly Northwest, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 54-57 and p. 123. 2008. Carefree Cranesbills. The American Gardener, May/June, Vol. 87, No. 3, pp. 16-21. 2008. Flowering Perennials for Sun, Midwest Regional Report, Fine Gardening, May/June, No. 121, p. 62. 2008. A Report on Leucanthemum superbum and Related Daisies, Perennial Plants, Winter, pp. 7-22. 2007. A Report on Leucanthemum superbum and Related Daisies, Plant Evaluation Notes, No. 30. 2007: Versatile Switch Grass. Chicagoland Gardening, November/December 2007, pp.10-11. 2007. Trial Rates Catmint Cultivars. Nursery Management & Production, November, pp.42-46. 2007 Bugbanes: Made for Shade. Chicagoland Gardening, September/October 2007, pp.16-17. 2007. Thalictrum: a study of Meadow Rue. Perennial Plants, Spring, pp. 9-21. 2007. Lofty Balloon Flower. Chicagoland Gardening, July/August, pp.16-17. 2007. A Comparative Study of Cultivated Catmints. Plant Evaluation Notes, No. 29. 2007. Geranium macrorrhizum (Bigroot Geranium). Horticulture, Vol. 104, No. 4, p. A8. 2007. Comparative Evaluation of Commercially Available Tradescantia Cultivars. Perennial Plants, Winter, pp. 17-25. 2007. Spiky Speedwells. Chicagoland Gardening, May/June, pp.24-25. 2007. Ladys Mantles are the Perfect Foil. Chicagoland Gardening, March/April, pp.16-17. 2007. An Evaluation Report of Meadow Rues. Plant Evaluation Notes, No. 28. 2007. A Tale of Two Vines. Chicagoland Gardening, January/February, p. 11. 2006. Hardy Euphorbias. Chicagoland Gardening, November/December, p. 9. 2006. Autumns Asters. Chicagoland Gardening, September/October, p. 15. 2006. Shasta Daisies Brighten Midsummer Gardens. Chicagoland Gardening, July/August, pp. 16-17. 2006. A Kindle of Catmints. Chicagoland Gardening, May/June, pp. 17-18. 2006. Gold Heart Bleeding Heart. Horticulture, May, Volume 103, Number 4, p. A3. 2006. Evaluation of Stachys. Perennial Plants, Number 2, pp. 54-62. 2006. Stachys Thrive in the Midwest. NMPro, April, Volume 22, Issue 4, pp.34-39. 2006. Extolling the Virtues of Bellflowers. Chicagoland Gardening, March/April, pp. 18-19. 2006. Proven Perennials. Chicagoland Gardening, January/February, p. 10. 2005. A Comparative Study of Cultivated Stachys. Plant Evaluation Notes, No. 27. 2005. A Garden Study of Sundrops and Evening Primroses. Perennial Plants, Number 3, pp. 47-57. 2005. The Glow of Winterberry. Chicagoland Gardening, November/December, pp. 10-11. 2005. Oenothera (Sundrops and Evening Primroses). Chicagoland Gardening, September/October, pp. 18-19. 2005. Capable Coreopsis. Chicagoland Gardening, July/August, pp. 20-21. 2005. Evaluation of Alchemilla mollis: Perennial Plants, Number 2, pp. 32-38. 2005. Herbaceous Clematis. Chicagoland Gardening, May/June, pp. 26-27. 2005. Saruma henryi: A fetching woodland perennial. Fine Gardening, May/June, No. 103, p. 18. 2005. A Look at Ladys-mantles. Nursery Management & Production, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp.84-86. 2005. A Wealth of Meadow Rues. Chicagoland Gardening, March/April, pp. 20-21. 2005. A Garden Study of Sundrops and Evening Primroses. Plant Evaluation Notes, No. 26. 2005. Hot Perennials. American Nurseryman, February 15, Issue 4, Volume 201, pp. 34-39. 2005. Clematis Evisix: a noteworthy nonvining clematis. Fine Gardening, January-February, No. 101, p. 24. 2005. Lamium Earns Its Stripes. Chicagoland Gardening, January/February, p. 10. 2004. Hardy Geraniums for Northern Gardens. Perennial Plants, Fall, pp. 7-34. 2004. An Evaluation Study of Alchemilla. Plant Evaluation Notes, No. 24. 2004. Summersweet Clethra. Chicagoland Gardening, November/December, pp. 14-15. 2004. Plant Evaluations at the ϳԹ. Proceedings of the 2002 Perennial Plant Association Symposium, pp. 25-26. 2004. Leucanthemum (superbum Becky: 2003 Perennial Plant of the Year. Proceedings of the 2002 Perennial Plant Association Symposium, pp. 27-28. 2004. Fall-blooming Anemones. Chicagoland Gardening, September/October, pp. 14-15. 2004. Hardy Geraniums for Northern Gardens. Plant Evaluation Notes, No. 22. 2004. Blazing Stars Brighten the Midsummer Garden. Chicagoland Gardening, July/August, p. 13. 2004. Echinacea tennesseensis. Field Notes. American Nurseryman, June 1, Issue 11, Volume 199, p. 86. 2004. Hardy Geraniums. Chicagoland Gardening, May/June, p. 20. 2004. Ab Evaluation Study of Coral Bells. Perennial Plants, Spring, pp. 20-32. 2004. False Indigos Test True in Perennial Beds. Chicagoland Gardening, March/April, p. 14. 2004. Garden-Worthy Artemisias. Chicagoland Gardening, January/February, p. 12. 2003. An Evaluation Study of Coral Bells. Plant Evaluation Notes, No. 21. 2003. Lambs Ears and Betonies (Stachys). Chicagoland Gardening, November/December, pp. 14-15. 2003. Hardy Sages. Chicagoland Gardening, September/October, pp. 14-15. 2003. Garden-Worthy Artemisias. Perennial Plants, Spring, pp.7-19. 2003. Monarda for the Summer Garden. Chicagoland Gardening, July/August, p. 16. 2003. What Color is Your Yarrow? Chicagoland Gardening, May/June, p. 20. 2003. Garden-worthy Artemisias. Plant Evaluation Notes, No. 19. 2003. Colorful Coral Bells. Chicagoland Gardening, March/April, p. 14. 2003. Spring-blooming Barrenworts for the Shade Garden. Chicagoland Gardening, January/February, p. 27. 2002. Blue Star Shines in Trials in the Midwest. The American Gardener, Vol. 81, No. 5, p. 14. 2002. An Appraisal of Pulmonaria for the Garden, Part 2. The Pulmonaria Group Newsletter, November, pp. 12-14. 2002. Plant Evaluations at the ϳԹ. Perennial Plants, Autumn, pp. 11-14. 2002. Boxwoods for Northern Gardens. Chicagoland Gardening, November/December, p. 12. 2002. Hardy Amsonia. Perennial Plants, Summer, pp. 29-41. 2002. Pulmonaria. Perennial Plants, Spring, pp. 33-42. 2002. Coneflowers: Anything but Ordinary. Chicagoland Gardening, September/October, p. 12. 2002. A Flock of Phlox for the Garden. Chicagoland Gardening, July/August, p. 13. 2002. Clematis for Northern Gardens. Chicagoland Gardening, May/June, p. 36. 2002. An Appraisal of Pulmonaria for the Garden, Part 1. The Pulmonaria Group Newsletter, March, pp. 9-15. 2002. Bluestars for Northern Gardens. Chicagoland Gardening, March/April, p. 41. 2002. An Evaluation Study of Hardy Amsonia. Plant Evaluation Notes, Issue 18. 2002. Garden-worthy Pulmonarias. Chicagoland Gardening, January/February, p. 11. 2001. An Appraisal of Pulmonaria for the Garden. Plant Evaluation Notes, Issue 17. 2001. Addressing Powdery Mildew on Phlox. Fine Gardening, November-December, pp. 80-81. 2001. Autumn-blooming Toad Lilies. Chicagoland Gardening, November/December, p. 11. 2001. Bay Laurel. Garden Talk, Vol. 16, No. 6, p. 2. 2001. An Evaluation Study of Tricyrtis. Plant Evaluation Notes, Issue 16. 2001. Tops in Toad Lilies. NMPro, September, pp. 51-54. 2001. Goldenrods. The Gardener, Vol. 1, No. 3, p. 7. 2001. Great Goldenrods for the Garden. Chicagoland Gardening, September/October, p. 35. 2001. Which Goldenrods Rule. NMPro, August, pp. 59-63. Richard Hawke and Janet Treuhaft. 2001. ϳԹ Evaluates Goldenrod. Plant Propagator, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp11-12. 2001. An Evaluation Report of Goldenrods for the Garden. Perennial Plants, Spring, pp. 11-24. 2001. Grading Goldenrods. The American Gardener, Vol. 80, No. 2, p. 13. 2001. ϳԹ Identifies Hardy Goldenrod. American Nurseryman, Vol. 193, No. 4, pp. 12. Jim Ault and Richard Hawke. 2000. Breeding and Evaluation of Perennials at ϳԹ. Combined Proceedings International Plant Propagators Society, Vol. 50. 2000. An Evaluation Report of Goldenrods for the Garden. Plant Evaluation Notes, Issue 15. 2000. A Performance Appraisal of Hardy Sages. Plant Evaluation Notes, Issue 14. 1999. An Evaluation Report of Selected Phlox Species and Hybrids. Plant Evaluation Notes, Issue 13. 1999. Clematis: The Queen of Vines. Flowering Vines. Brooklyn Botanic Garden Gardening Series. 1998. Monarda and Powdery Mildew Resistance. Plant Evaluation Notes, Issue 12. 1997. An Evaluation Report of Shrub Roses. Plant Evaluation Notes, Issue 11. 1997. Clematis for Northern Gardens. Plant Evaluation Notes, Issue 10. 1997. Climbing to the Top. American Nurseryman. Volume 186, Issue 7, pp. 44-67. 1997. Pullman Evaluation Garden symbolizes history. Garden Talk. Volume 12, Number 6, p. 6. 1996. A Performance report of Cultivated Blazing Stars. Plant Evaluation Notes, Issue 9. 1995. Rudbeckia for Cultivated Landscapes. Plant Evaluation Notes, Issue 8. 1994. Boxwoods for Northern Midwest Landscapes. Plant Evaluation Notes, Issue 6. 1994. A Performance Report of Cultivated Yarrows (Achillea). Plant Evaluation Notes, Issue 5. 1994. Annual Vines. Hybrid. Volume 23, Number 2, p. 4. 1993. Hibiscus moscheutos Cultivars and Horticultural Hybrids. Plant Evaluation Notes, Issue 4. 1992. A Bamboo Performance Report. Plant Evaluation Notes, Issue 3. 1991. The Evaluation and Introduction of a Unique Dwarf River Birch. Plant Evaluation Notes, Issue 2. 1991. Performance Appraisal of Selected Small-leaved Rhododendrons. Plant Evaluation Notes, Issue 1. Teaching Experience and Awards Arthur Hoyt Scott Medal & Award, The Scott Arboretum of Swarthmore College, 2023 Academic Award for Teaching Excellence, Perennial Plant Association, 2005. Lecturer and Lab Instructor for Herbaceous Perennials, Certificate Program, School of the Botanic Garden, 1999-2009. Lecturer and Lab Instructor for Ground Cover and Vines, Certificate Program, School of the Botanic Garden, 2000-2004. Instructor for numerous enrichment classes for the School of the Botanic Garden, 1986-2022. Herbaceous plants instructor for IIT Master of Landscape Architecture course on ornamental plants, Fall 2009. Over 300 lectures given to professional organizations, plant societies, and garden clubs since 1986. Stachys officinalis Pink Cotton Candy, 2010 introduction, Chicagoland Grows Plant Introduction Program.(PPAF). The ϳԹs Plant Evaluation Program received the 2008 Award for Program Excellence from the American Public Gardens Association. Plant Exploration Experience Participated on plant exploration trips to Central Siberia in 1993 and to South Korea in 1989, helped plan trips to China (1996), and Russian Far East (1997), and SE United States (1998). Funded Grants Principle investigator, comparative evaluation of commercially available Tradescantia cultivars, $3,240. Perennial Plant Association, 2005. Principle investigator, technology needs for the Plant Evaluation Program, $10,000. Stanley Smith Horticultural Trust, 2001. Principle investigator, development of a plant evaluation web site, $102,000. IMLS National Leadership Grant, 2001. Principle investigator, publication of four issues of Plant Evaluation Notes, $16,000. Stanley Smith Horticultural Trust, 2000. Principle investigator, evaluation of plants from Siberian expedition, $2,300. Illinois Landscape Contractors Association, 1993. Principle investigator, publication of bamboo research in Plant Evaluation Notes, $1,700. Illinois Landscape Contractors Association, 1992. Collaborators and Other Affiliations Raymond Evison (Guernsey Clematis Nursery), Linda Jones (Royal Horticultural Society, Wisley), Michael Marriott (David Austin Roses), Paul Saunders (National Boxwood Trials Program), Dr. Steven Still (Perennial Plant Association), Dr. Mark Widrlechner (USDA NC-7 Plant Introduction Program), Dr. Richard Bir, North Carolina State University, Dr. Leonard Perry (University of Vermont), Dr. Susan Hamilton (University of Tennessee), Dr. Campbell Davidson (Morden Research Station, Canada), American Boxwood Society, Holly Society of America, American Ivy Society, Dr. Jim Ault (ϳԹ and Chicagoland Grows Program), and Dr. Kayri Havens (ϳԹ). Cooperative evaluation programs currently underway: Darwin Perennials (USA), Plants Nouveau (USA), Terra Nova Nurseries (USA), Intrinsic Perennial Gardens (USA), Proven Winners (USA), and Walters Gardens (USA). Committee member of the Plant Collections and Plant Nomenclature sections within the American Public Gardens Association. Member of American Public Gardens Association, Perennial Plant Association, Garden Writers Association, and the American Horticultural Society.     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