Sandpiper, Spotted***
Description: This shorebird is commonly seen along the shoreline, flying low across the water, or nesting on Marsh Island in the Dixon Prairie.
Description: This shorebird is commonly seen along the shoreline, flying low across the water, or nesting on Marsh Island in the Dixon Prairie.
Description: This medium-sized shorebird is seen most often on shorelines in the Barbara Brown Nature Reserve or around the Dixon Prairie.
Description: This fairly common, small shorebird is often seen in spring on exposed mudflat areas, especially south of the Dixon Prairie.
Description: This is an uncommon, medium-sized shorebird often visible on mudflats and exposed shorelines around the Dixon Prairie.
Description: This fairly common, small shorebird is often seen in spring on exposed mudflat areas, especially south of the Dixon Prairie.
Description: This rare shorebird is most likely to be seen on large lawn areas or on the gravel hill prairie in the Dixon Prairie.
Description: This rare shorebird can be seen on mudflats and exposed shorelines.
Description: This is one of the most common, year-round birds at the Garden, and can be seen in all settings.
Description: Look for this common migrant warbler and possible breeder in any wooded habitat at the Garden.
Description: Good luck with this one! It's a whiter, frostier version of the Common Redpoll, but even the hard-core birders don't always agree on the identification of this species. Hang around with the experts at the Enabling Garden and perhaps they can point one out to you. Look for this tundra-breeder traveling in a flock of common redpolls or goldfinches and siskins. This rare visitor is most likely to be found in alders or birches in winter feeding on seeds in cones and catkins.