Oriole, Orchard***
Description: Look in areas of scattered trees for this distinctively colored bird of open savanna habitats. They are often seen in the Dixon Prairie.
Description: Look in areas of scattered trees for this distinctively colored bird of open savanna habitats. They are often seen in the Dixon Prairie.
This brightly colored member of the blackbird family is a common breeding bird at the Garden. It is usually found around groves of cottonwoods and willow trees where it constructs a characteristic, pendent nest.
Description: A year-round resident at the Garden. Look for it on the trunks of trees, especially in the McDonald Woods.
Description: The less common of two species of nuthatches seen at the Garden, it is usually seen in winter in wooded areas and at bird feeders.
Description: This cryptic bird is most often seen in large flocks during fall migration, flying erratically while catching insects. A member of the goat-sucker family, it is less likely to be seen when perched.
Description: A southern visitor here, the mockingbird is usually heard before it is seen.
Description: Merlins may be spotted flying overhead on migration in fall or perched in a tree.
Description: Look for the shaggy-black head and narrow-toothed bill of this medium-sized duck as it dives on the lakes.
Description: This is a fish-eating duck that can be found diving in Garden lakes.
Description: This rare, large, fish-eating duck with a narrow toothed bill may be seen diving on the lakes.